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Titanic Unseen
Obtenir un ebook gratuit Titanic Unseen
L'un des livres aussi conseillés et bien connus pour avoir aujourd'hui est le Titanic Unseen Lorsque vous le genre titre de cette publication, partout, vous obtiendrez comme l'un des livres de haut prévu pour vérifier. Même il reste dans la boutique de livres, auteurs, ou dans certains sites. Mais, quand vous êtes friands rallye du livre, ceci est votre excellent moment pour obtenir et télécharger et installer maintenant ainsi que le droit ici avec votre lien net.
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Détails sur le produit
Relié: 144 pages
Editeur : The History Press Ltd (2 mars 2016)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 075096717X
ISBN-13: 978-0750967174
Dimensions du produit:
25,4 x 2 x 25,4 cm
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I agree with a review posted on the UK amazon in regard to this book not making the most of the newly discovered Titanic photographs. It appears that the bad reproductions of the Bell and Kempster album photographs is likely because they want to cash in on selling high quality prints of these images, afterall there is an advertisement at the back of this book giving details of where you can buy them. I thought I would be getting decent copies of these images when I bought this book. Instead, what you get with this book appears to be almost black & white photocopies of the original pictures. They are not even in the original gorgeous sepia tones and are often quite small images and because of this they are far less engaging to the eye. You pay to get the book in the hope you will get to see decent reproductions then you are let down. To overcome this disappointment you have to buy the prints separately. The owner of these images must have cashed in on these images in a very big way when you consider you also had to pay to see the images exhibited in Ireland, if you wanted to see the photographs back in 2014.
I do not disagree with the review posted of the first reviewer. However , he missed a significant technical error (in my opinion) that was right in front of him in his attachment to his review. Specifically, the picture attributed to John Dempster in his posting appears on the last page (#144) of the book with the caption identifying the ship as the German liner "Bismarck" on its way out of Cuxhaven as WW I war reparations to the White Star Line. allegedly circa 1922 i.e. 10 years after the Titanic sank. This is not the German liner Bismarck which subsequently became the White Star Majestic. Rather, it is clearly the RMS Queen Mary (circa 1936) likely heading down the River Clyde in front of probably cheering Brits on its way to gather its lifeboats and begin its builder's sea trials prior to delivery to the Cunard/White Star Line. This is an error which I attribute to the author; if you don't know have the proper technical background knowledge, don't try to write about it unless you have a technical specialist to proof your work. This is the kind of error that can irreversibly damage your credibility and that of the book. Poor "RMS Queen Mary" ! This is the second time in recent expensive books where I have seen it misidentified .... the other was Richard Silvin's piece on the French liner "Normandie" where he identified the Queen Mary as the "Ile de France, 1927" on page vii early in the book. I rated this book one star above the first reviewer >> because of the pics which I previously had not seen----not for the author's technical prominence. I will keep it for the photographic value.
Many of these photographs are from high quality glass plate negatives or at least decent scans of the originals. There are much higher resolution versions available for free online . For 30 bucks I would have hoped the print quality would have been somewhat better than newsprint. You be the judge here are the images in the book vs high quality ones .
As with other reviews, a little disappointed with the picture content. Too much detail given to other ships of that period and not as much as expected on the Titanic.
Good book on period vs specifically Titanic, which was OK w/ me. Great photos, very nicely printed, great captions.
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